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Complete Without Kids: An Insider's Guide to Childfree Living by Choice or by Chance

Complete Without Kids: An Insider's Guide to Childfree Living by Choice or by Chance - Ellen L. Walker I had high hopes considering the great things I'd heard from a few friends and a handful of reviews. What I found was a bunch of interesting personal stories that normally I'd have appreciated more if the author's own editing didn't show a push towards her own theories. Trying to tie in environmental and overpopulation issues with being childfree didn't help. I don't care much for books that push an agenda without saying so in all honesty; Trying to edit a book to push your theory along to where it's so obvious makes me feel like the author is trying to "trick" the reader in to echoing their opinion rather than making an argument for their views and letting the reader decide.

Other than that there really wasn't much substance. It was more 'I don't have kids because...." without any more depth. The focus felt like it was on those who choose not to have kids rather than those unable, tho the book itself presents itself as a look at both sides. The bumpy editing and narrow push made me feel like I was reading a long, winding blog post from a lonely woman who decides she doesn't want kids but doesn't know how to deal with her issues so makes up excuses to why it's better not to have them to convince herself that she's happy.